Good Character & Citizenship
Club members are productive, caring, responsible citizens. Of our teen members, 80% volunteer in their communities at least once per year. At the Club, members have many opportunities to give back and participate positively in their communities.
Youth of the Year
Youth of the Year is Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s premier recognition program. It is our signature effort to foster a new generation of leaders, fully prepared to live and lead in a diverse, global and integrated world economy. Central New Mexico Youth of the Year candidates perform at our annual fundraiser, where the winner is announced.
Torch Club & Key Club
Torch Clubs are chartered, small-group leadership and service clubs for middle and high school members. Torch Clubs and Key Clubs are a powerful vehicle that help Club staff meet the special character development needs of adolescents at a critical stage in their life.
Learn more at your local club
UPS Road Code
UPS Road Code is a free national program educates teens on safe driving techniques based in part on the training UPS uses for its own drivers, who are among the safe drivers worldwide.
Positive Action
Positive Action is a social-emotional learning program that is based on the intuitive philosophy that we feel good about ourselves when we do positive actions.
The Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle (TAF) illustrates how this works in life: our thoughts lead to actions and those actions lead to feelings about ourselves which in turn lead to more thoughts.